What is AKASHA?

AKASHA HUB BARCELONA was born after a collaboration (and consequent alignment of Values and Vision) between AKASHA Foundation and Lorenzo Patuzzo.

Hence the name A.K.A.S.H.A. which stands for Advanced Knowledge Architecture for Social Human Action.

The word AKASHA( [aːkaːʃə], आकाश) also comes from Sanskrit and means “Ether” in the elementary and metaphysical sense.

Originally it was used to indicate a network of metaphysical information that connected humanity with itself and with infinite knowledge.



AKASHA Hub works to stimulate curiosity towards a social self-awareness, and generate willingness to start projects with the ability to create a coherent, sustainable, respectful and healthy environment.

We collaboratively organize face-to-face and online activities to share knowledge and points of view on all possible areas and in different depths, in order to have an overview and as complete as possible of the current state of humanity and its environment.

We investigate locally and globally how we do what we do (as a society), what tools were, are and will be at our disposal. We also investigate issues and trends at the local level together with the actors involved to prioritize the issues in a coherent and necessary way.

We accompany the conversations and stimulate interactions between different participants, elaborations of the problems and a self-coordination of working groups to want to solve it. We share and provide tools for collaboration, self-management and project start-up in order to promote the creation of actions that bring us closer to the society we yearn for.

We connect with local and interlocal people and entities in order to create a knowledge infrastructure that can be useful for the development of all activities.

We are a community that believes in continuous improvement, transparency, collaboration, and our independence as a symbol of resilience, intellectual freedom and action. That is why we prefer to generate our own economic income, in order to reinvest them in the project, in its infrastructure and in its community.


We are a model of decentralized community, self-managed and point of reference at the local level (and connected globally with other hubs), where citizens in all their complexity meet, listen, talk, exchange knowledge and consider where they want to go as a collectivity, creating innovative models and solutions that help transform our social infrastructure on its way to collective coherence and sustainable coexistence.



Continuous Learning

We are curious people. We are on a journey of discovery and knowledge building. We grow together and enjoy that there is always something new to learn.



Our purpose demands understanding, and understanding requires a diverse mix of people, disciplines, and perspectives. It requires knowing how to leave our convictions aside to appreciate other points of view, other cultures, other knowledge, other ways of thinking.

We are all in the human team, where egos take a back seat.

We infuse everything we do with joy, imagination and innovation.

We constantly explore, bringing new ideas and new projects to life.


We are proactive people and responsible for our actions, our words and agreements that we make with our colleagues, the projects and towards our community.

We count on the cohesion of the group.


We are grateful for what is given to us and strive to recognize everyone’s contributions through everything we do. Thank you!


We connect and collaborate with people and entities, local and international, connecting the best knowledge, tools and resources to generate actions that mainly improve our closest environment, creating improvements also on a broader scale.


We are all part of something bigger than ourselves. Our journey is lived together in accompaniment, synergy and cooperation. The more we share, the more we receive.

The more we receive, we get richer. All.


We are open to cooperation and collaboration with people, projects and organizations that share our values.

The uniqueness of each adds to the whole.

We find the most efficient and effective way to reach our goals, acting with integrity as individuals and living by our values as a community.

We will never compromise our values. We are here to lead by example.

We take some time to reflect on the nature and scope of our actions. We ask ourselves what is right? We strive to do the right things and want to do them right!